Contents List


General Japanese Language Dictionary

スーパー大辞林3.0 (三省堂)
Electronic version of a full-fledged Japanese Language dictionary. Some items have synonym information. Colloquialisms can be searched in their conjugated forms. Illustrations of birds and insects are accompanied by the sound (chirps, tweets) they make.
スーパー大辞林3.0 (慣用句検索)(三省堂)
スーパー大辞林3.0 (慣用句検索) (三省堂)
Search for Idioms e.g., 「犬も歩けば棒にあたる」
スーパー大辞林3.0 (言葉と文化)(三省堂)
スーパー大辞林3.0 (言葉と文化) (三省堂)
This content explores the following four categories: 季節と言葉(Seasonal Words), 言葉の世界(World of Words), 日本語の世界(World of Japanese) and 古典の世界(World of Classics). It is for those who wish to study the language more deeply.
日本語学習のための よく使う順 漢字2200(三省堂)
日本語学習のための よく使う順 漢字2200 (三省堂)
Dictionary which helps you to learn the most frequently used Kanji ー their radical, number of strokes, stroke order, readings, meaning, idioms and usage.
類語例解辞典 (小学館)
類語例解辞典 (小学館)
Not just a list of synonyms but a dictionary that explains the proper use of similar words with comparisons and examples in a way that’s easy to understand.
例解学習国語辞典 第十版 (小学館)
例解学習国語辞典 第十版 (小学館)
Stores around 36,500 words with phonetic signs on each Kanji, including about 800 illustrations, about 200 tables of proper usage, and abundance of examples.
新漢語林 第二版 (大修館書店)
新漢語林 第二版 (大修館書店)
An edition which corresponds to the new kanji table. Augmented examples and detailed explanations of the scripts help your study of Chinese classics. Includes essential information both for your daily life and Chinese classics learning.
NHK 日本語発音アクセント辞典 (NHK出版)
NHK 日本語発音アクセント辞典 (NHK出版)
Contains about 69,000 words and their pronunciations widely used in current broadcasting. Since the first edition of 1943, the dictionary has been highly regarded as the bible of Japanese speech. This is its electronic edition.
* Some appendices are excluded.
日本語文型辞典 (外语教学与研究出版社)
日本語文型辞典 (外语教学与研究出版社)
Essential companion to the Japanese language teacher and student alike. 『教師と学習者のための日本語文型辞典』has been translated into Chinese in a collaborative effort by leading scholars in China including Mr. Xu Huihei (Beijing Foreign Language University).

Multilingual dictionary

ウィズダム英和辞典 第3版 (三省堂)
ウィズダム英和辞典 第3版 (三省堂)
English-Japanese dictionary which made full use of corpus with an emphasis on contemporary English and usage. It contains about 102,000 headwords that meet school and business needs. Senses are placed in order of frequency, making it easy to search the meaning you seek. Various columns on such topics as, diction, reading comprehension, expression and grammar are also very useful.
* Excluding some appendices
ウィズダム和英辞典 第2版 (三省堂)
ウィズダム和英辞典 第2版 (三省堂)
Includes about 90,000 headwords from fields of study and business. Approximately 84,000 examples. Hints for English composition, model compositions, and many short articles.
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 9th edition (Oxford University Press)
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 9th edition
(Oxford University Press)
The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary is the ultimate speaking and Writing tool for developing the skills needed for passing exams and communicating in English.
ポータブル日タイ英 タイ日英辞典 (三修社)
ポータブル日タイ英 タイ日英辞典 (三修社)
A simplified dictionary suitable for business and travel, with translations in three languages, Japanese, Thai, and English. The number of total headwords(Japanese-Thai/English and Thai-Japanese/English) is about 18,000. Electronic edition includes Thai voice.
ポータブル日ベトナム英 ベトナム日英辞典 (三修社)
ポータブル日ベトナム英 ベトナム日英辞典 (三修社)
A simplified dictionary suitable for business and travel, with translations in three languages, Japanese, Vietnamese, and English. The number of total headwords(Japanese-Vietnamese/English and Vietnamese-Japanese/English) is about 18,000. Electronic edition includes Vietnamese voice.
พจนานุกรมศัพท์ล่าม ญี่ปุ่น ไทย อังกฤษ 日・タイ・英 社内通訳用語辞典 (สำนักพิมพ์ภาษาและวัฒนธรรม)
พจนานุกรมศัพท์ล่าม ญี่ปุ่น ไทย อังกฤษ
日・タイ・英 社内通訳用語辞典 (สำนักพิมพ์ภาษาและวัฒนธรรม)
More than 20,000 words in Japanese, Thai and English covering eight business fields such as economics, management, marketing, law, technology, and agriculture. Recommended for interpreters and translators.
五味版 学習者用ベトナム語辞典 (武蔵野大学出版会)
五味版 学習者用ベトナム語辞典 (武蔵野大学出版会)
An easy-to-use Vietnamese-Japanese dictionary with user-friendly page structure and large number of headwords and columns. All examples come with Japanese translation.
超級クラウン中日辞典 (三省堂)
超級クラウン中日辞典 (三省堂)
Intermediate and advanced level Chinese-Japanese dictionary for students and business people. It is full of Chinese government accredited new words and terms in economics and IT; about 11,500 Chinese characters and about 80,000 idioms.


問題な日本語典 (大修館書店)
問題な日本語典 (大修館書店)
Picking up problematic Japanese words and phrases which people use unconsciously. This content explains how they came about and how to use them correctly.
明鏡日本語クイズ300 (大修館書店)
明鏡日本語クイズ300 (大修館書店)
In the quiz format, both beginners and advanced learners of Japanese can enjoy acquiring Japanese knowledge which includes reading and writing of kanji, honorifics and usage of words.
図解ボキャブラリーガイド2300 日本語版 (大修館書店)
図解ボキャブラリーガイド2300 日本語版 (大修館書店)
Familiar things such as animals and plants, vehicles, clothing, food and drinks are shown in color illustrations by category. About 2,300 Japanese words are displayed and pronouncing when you touch them. A fun dictionary that lets you learn Japanese with your eyes and ears.
Texts from the free online library Aozora Bunko. JIS third level kanji, JIS fourth level kanji, and auxiliary kanji are used.
Contains Japanese syllabary charts (including voiced, semi-voiced, and diphthongs). You can practice pronunciation and writing of each character.
レベル別日本語多読ライブラリー にほんごよむよむ文庫 (アスク出版)
レベル別日本語多読ライブラリー にほんごよむよむ文庫 (アスク出版)
"Reader" series you can read easily according to your level of Japanese. There are 4 levels, from the entry level to the intermediate. You can enjoy fairy tales, novels, biographies, etc., and learn vocabulary and expressions naturally.
アニメ・マンガの日本語 (国際交流基金関西国際センター)
Learn Japanese with typical anime and manga characters. You can find eight different characters including lady, samurai and butler, and three different genres: love, school and ninja.

JLPT / Business

日本語能力試験対策N1文法総まとめ (三修社)
日本語能力試験対策N1文法総まとめ (三修社)
A grammar textbook designed for you to learn 234 function words in 45 days. N1 grammar is explained from the 1st to the 6th week and more difficult expressions from the 7th week on. Grammar explanations and some examples come with English and Chinese translations. There are also 412 exercises.
日本語能力試験対策N2文法総まとめ (三修社)
日本語能力試験対策N2文法総まとめ (三修社)
N2 grammar textbook designed for you to learn 174 function words and honorifics in 45 days. Grammar explanations come with English, Korean, Chinese and Vietnamese translations to support your self-study. There are also 520 exercises to review what you've learned.
日本語能力試験対策N3 文法・語彙・漢字 (三修社)
日本語能力試験対策N3 文法・語彙・漢字 (三修社)
Learn grammar, vocabulary and kanji that will be presented on the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N3. A total of 664 questions including grammar 152, vocabulary 336 and kanji 176, and one set of simulation tests are included. Explanation of grammar points includes translations in English and Chinese.
合格できる日本語能力試験 N1 (アルク)
合格できる日本語能力試験 N1 (アルク)
Question form and content are based on the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N1. In addition to practice questions and listening comprehension tests, review questions enable you to measure your proficiency level objectively.
合格できる日本語能力試験 N2 (アルク)
合格できる日本語能力試験 N2 (アルク)
Question form and content are based on the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test N2. In addition to practice questions and listening comprehension tests, review questions enable you to measure your proficiency level objectively.
しごとの日本語 (メールの書き方編) (アルク)
しごとの日本語 (メールの書き方編) (アルク)
Tutorial textbook on how to write business e-mails in Japanese. Practical examples are given, making it useful as a handbook as well.
しごとの日本語 (電話応対基礎編) (アルク)
しごとの日本語 (電話応対基礎編) (アルク)
Tutorial textbook on Japanese business phone call manners and related vocabulary and phrases. Build confidence by listening to the client’s Japanese and speaking in your own words.
しごとの日本語 (ビジネスマナー編) (アルク)
しごとの日本語 (ビジネスマナー編) (アルク)
Business manners for those who work at Japanese companies or hope to work there in the future. Comprised of two sections, "日本の一般マナー(JAPANESE ETIQUETTE IN GENERAL)" concerning greeting, business attire, phone calls, and "日本のビジネスマナー(JAPANESE BUSINESS ETIQUETTE)" concerning reception, visit, reporting, contact and consultation.
1日10分のシャドーイング! 就活・仕事のにほんご会話 (アスク出版)
1日10分のシャドーイング! 就活・仕事のにほんご会話
Interactions in job hunting and newly employed situations such as interviews and business phone calls. Through five-step shadowing practice you can simulate actual conversation scenes and learn how to use honorific expressions.