Main Functions You can turn to the instruction page by clicking on the function.


Change language setting

You can change the language setting of E-A10 from Japanese to English and vise versa.


Inputting Thai Characters

ポータブル日タイ英 タイ日英辞典(Portable Japanese-Thai-English Dictionary) and 日・タイ・英 社内通訳用語辞典 (Japanese/Thai/English Intra-Office Interpreter's Dictionary) includes Thai soft keyboard. Thai⇒Japanese search is possible.

Inputting Vietnamese Characters

ポータブル日ベトナム英 ベトナム日英辞典(Portable Japanese-Vietnamese-English Dictionary) and 五味版 学習者用ベトナム語辞典 (Gomi Edition Learner's Vietnamese Dictionary) allows you to search Vietnamese using keyboard.

Handwriting Input

Touching the Handwriting button allows you to input handwriting with attached pen.
Best suited for inputting characters you cannot read.

Inputting Japanese Characters

50音button will cause soft keyboard to appear.
Input by touching the hiragana characters.

Keyboard Input

Input by typing on keyboard(using Romaji).


Cross-Search Dictionaries

Search a word from home screen, and the results from all the relevant dictionaries will be displayed, making it possible to compare dictionaries easily.

Jump Search

Touch the unknown words on screen to jump and search.
(Only in Japanese and English)

Radical Search

Radical search is used for Kanji you don’t know how to read.

Useful Functions for Learning Japanese.

Kanji Dictation

Only in 日本語学習のための よく使う順 漢字2200(KANJI2200). 書き取りbutton at bottom left will let you practice writing Kanji with a pen attached. Model display can be turned on and off.

Conjugation Form Search

Incorporated in 例解学習国語辞典(Reikai gakushu kokugo jiten) and スーパー大辞林(Japanese–Dictionary). You do not need to know the dictionary form of adjective or verb in order to search.
Example: 「ただそう」search ⇒活用形button⇒ 「正す」search

Synonym Search

Showing the difference and proper usage of similar words such as 意味(imi: meaning) & 意義(igi: meaning, significance).

Usage Search

Usage examples search Showing example sentences using keywords to practice writing.
Example: 「あした」shows 45 sample sentences.


Native Pronunciation Audio

Japanese native pronunciation audio is included. You can listen to actual accent and intonation. You can control playback speed in レベル別日本語多読ライブラリー にほんごよむよむ文庫(Japanese Graded Readers) and アニメ・マンガの日本語(Japanese in Anime & Manga).


Adopts popular shadowing technique. Instantly repeating from playback audio will help improve listening comprehension and conversation skills.

Role playing

Included in 1日10分のシャドーイング! 就活・仕事のにほんご会話(Job hunting / work conversation in Japanese).
A way to practice Japanese in conversation form. Very practical.

Listening Comparison

Record your pronunciation. Comparing it to the audio sample will enable you to improve your pronunciation.



Highlight words or phrases that you feel important.


Attach colorful memo strips with comment.


Create, store and edit notes.

Flash Card

Create your own Flash Cards and record your voice. Use them for dictation practice and check the result.

Japanese Training Gym

The entrance to Japanese language studies: You choose from the four categories of vocabulary-sentence pattern-basic / listening / speaking / test preparation and the recommended dictionary/contents will be shown. If you do not know what to learn, choose the goal you will aim for from the "Training Gym Plan".

Test prep

JLPT prep

Japanese Language Proficiency Test(JLPT) preparation materials are included training reading and listening comprehension.
* JLPT is the test measuring Japanese proficiency of those whose native language is not Japanese, run by Japan Foundation and Japan Educational Exchanges and Services.