How to use E-A10

Listen to Sentence Pronunciation

Learn correct pronunciation by listening to readings of Japanese text. The speed of reading can be adjusted according to the proficiency level.
Here レベル別日本語多読ライブラリー にほんごよむよむ文庫(Japanese Graded Readers) will be used.

1With Japanese Graded Readers select 「雪女」.

レベル別日本語多読ライブラリー にほんごよむよむ文庫(Japanese Graded Readers) is in the Learning section of the Menu.

Japanese Graded Readers is in the Learning section of the Menu
With Japanese Graded Readers select 「雪女」

2Touch thespeaker iconto listen to the reading.

3Adjust reading speed.

* There are five different speed.
* Speed cannot be changed during playback.

Adjust reading speed.