How to use E-A10

Enter characters with the keyboard

Enter the alphabet on the keyboard to check the meaning of a word. Here we use スーパー大辞林(Japanese–Dictionary) to investigate the meaning of 「うた」.

1Open スーパー大辞林(Japanese–Dictionary).

* スーパー大辞林(Japanese–Dictionary) is located in Japanese Dictionary section of the Menu.

スーパー大辞林(Japanese–Dictionary) is located in Japanese Dictionary section of the Menu.
スーパー大辞林(Japanese–Dictionary) is located in Japanese Dictionary section of the Menu.
Press twice
Open スーパー大辞林(Japanese –Dictionary)


」character is displayed in the search field.

Press U


Next「」character is displayed in the search field.

Press TA


Note.How to input 「っ」「-」.
「いっぱい」is spelt「IPPAI」or「IXTSUPAI」「ケーキ」is input as「KE-KI」.
Press Enter

Here we will use 例解学習国語辞典(Japanese Dictionary) to search for the meaning of「うた」.

1Open 例解学習国語辞典(Japanese Dictionary).

Presstwice or choose it from the menu.

Press[大辞林/例解辞典]twice or choose it from the menu.
Open Japanese Dictionary


Input UTA


* In 例解学習国語辞典(Reikai gakushu kokugo jiten) ruby (phonetic) is attached to Kanji. Recommended for the kanji novice.

Press Enter