How to use E-A10

Search by inputting in Thai

Input Thai by soft keyboard and search for corresponding Japanese.

1Open ポータブル日タイ英 タイ日英辞典(Japanese-Thai- English Dictionary) and choose 「タイ語から選んで検索」.

It can be located in the menu of Multilingual dictionary.

which can be located in the menu of Multilingual dictionary.
which can be located in the menu of Multilingual dictionary.
Open Japanese-Thai- English Dictionary and choose 「タイ語から選んで検索」

2Select the first character of the word you will be searching.

Select the first character of the word you will be searching.
Select the first character of the word you will be searching.

3Select the second character onwards.

Select the second character onwards.
Select the second character onwards.
Select the second character onwards.