How to use E-A10

Conjugation Form Search

Search for dictionary form of verb or adjective from their conjugated forms. We will use「来ない」as an example.

1Try searching 「こない」with スーパー大辞林(Japanese–Dictionary) by entering it and touching活用形.

「来ない」which is a conjugated form of 「来る」does not appear in the result.

Try searching 「こない」with スーパー大辞林(Japanese–Dictionary) by entering it and touching 「活用形」

2Dictionary form 「来る」will be displayed instead.

Press the 活用形 button to display the dictionary form.

Dictionary form 「来る」will be displayed instead.

3Select 「くる【来る】」and press enter.

This function is useful when you want to search words whose dictionary form is unknown.

Select 「くる【来る】」and press enter.