How to use E-A10

Search Japanese example sentences (Example Search)

You can search Examples from a single word. Here we will use「まして」.

1Open the「日本語例文検索」screen.

日本語例文検索 icon is located at on HOME screen.

* If removed from HOME, it is also be found in 便利な検索(Other Searches).

* You can assign 6 often-used contents at on bottom half of HOME screen.

日本語例文検索 icon is located at on HOME screen.

2Enter 「まして」in Keyboard 1.

Enter 「まして」in Keyboard 1
Enter 「まして」in Keyboard 1

3Press thekey to input.

Press the 決定 key to input.

4Use the arrow keys to select a dictionary.

Use the arrow keys to select a dictionary.

Use the arrow keys to select a dictionary.

5An example sentence containing 「まして」 is displayed.

An example sentence containing 「まして」 is displayed.
An example sentence containing 「まして」 is displayed.

Reading many correct example sentences leads to the richness of the composition. In addition, understanding deepens by reading a lot of contextual sentences.