How to use E-A10

Study for JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test)

Study for JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test). Here We will use 合格できる日本語能力試験 N2(JLPT preparation for N2) to practice listening comprehension.

1Select 合格できる日本語能力試験 N2(JLPT preparation for N2).

It can be found in JLPT/Business section of the Menu.

which can be found in JLPT/Business section of the Menu.
Select JLPT preparation for N2

2Choose the Test tab and select「練習問題 聴解から出題」.

Touch the screen, or useKeys to select Test.

Choose the Test tab and select「練習問題 聴解から出題」

3Select the question you would like to try and pressbutton.

Touch the questions you would like to try.
Touch the questions you would like to try.

4Answer by the touch panel.

Answer by the touch panel

5Presskey to move on to the next question.

Press 決定 key to move on to the next question
Press 決定 key to move on to the next question
Press 決定 key to move on to the next question

6To see the correct answer or the text useKey to revert to the last screen.

You can use the touch screen or to move between tabs.

To see the correct answer or the text use the Back Key to revert to the last screen.